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Sir Rols

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Status Replies posted by Sir Rols

  1. Great opening ceremony! Warm, informal, good natured, inclusive. Good job

  2. Congratulations to Germany, 4 times champions and 1st time as a united nation! Congratulations Argentina on making it such a close final! Congratulations to Brazil on organising a fantastic World Cup!

  3. Congratulations to Germany, 4 times champions and 1st time as a united nation! Congratulations Argentina on making it such a close final! Congratulations to Brazil on organising a fantastic World Cup!

  4. Tomorrow i leave to go to the Commonwealth Games :)

  5. Ah, those Feisty Feline Francophones. Cordelia, Michelle, Pix-Vic. Don't you love 'em?

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      But you could sure teach your menfolk here a thing or two about Gallic Hauter...

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. Ah, those Feisty Feline Francophones. Cordelia, Michelle, Pix-Vic. Don't you love 'em?

  7. Happy birthday to my wonderful wife Tina Harner. Somehow we have gone from our early 20s to our late 40s, but I've had too much fun to notice.

  8. Love to see the number of posts on this site dedicated to someone replying to another person's post to tell them what they really meant to say. Only on GB!

  9. The 2014 WC Sweep has been drawn. View results at http://bit.ly/S1VgtY, or put your name down for the second draw if you missed out but still want in!

  10. Rols, we demand sweepstakes for the World Cup!

  11. Rols, we demand sweepstakes for the World Cup!

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      I was waiting for someone else to start it - I'll be in. A bit early yet isn't it anyway?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. Her name was Lolllllllllaaaaaaaaa.... She was a showgirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllllllllllllll

  13. Rols has changed his sex to become a princess.Congrats on your 1st birthday as a lady.

  14. Let the games begin!

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      I don't even like Eurovision. But members on two sides of the globe are determined to make me "see the light".

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Mods that troll free films guy galkottu2 keeps coming back. It's annoying

  16. the drama index is officially both off the charts and the hook. it's a good day for people who like drama. (me? i don't do drama).

  17. Worst advert for home schooling. Ever.

  18. anyone have any good links to images of looks of the games pre-96?

  19. @yoshi. My 3 yoshis' project unsuccessful. I couldn't introduce them to my friends.

  20. So much Drama, I wish I joined earlier so I could have experienced a more sane GamesBids

  21. Can you please empty your inbox Rolsy...:)

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