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Posts posted by Sir Rols
19 minutes ago, yoshi said:
Baseball doesn't make sense for Australia to choose. But cricket absolutely does. If it's available for them to pick, & they have a venue, Brisbane would be crazy not to. Not just because of the likelihood of double home gold, but it's cricket in Australia - every seat will be filled & that extra money gets made back. The only possible problem is Queensland winter weather...
Baseball and softball actually do have followings and well established leagues here. Not as huge as cricket, but we’ve medaled in both at the Olympics - in softball’s case, multiple bronzes and silver.
10 hours ago, Bear said:
Okay, I see now. Pity.
Admittedly, it is a while ago since I was there. Stayed there in my younger years when I was bumming down from LA to San Diego. Just liked the vibes, and remember as one of the occasions I got to meet some very stereotypical archetypes - real, like totally, (1980s) surfer dudes.
24 minutes ago, Bear said:
HB had my vote for its proximity to the rest of the LA28 venues, but now that president chomp is in the white house, the last place you want to be is a place like huntington beach. i they don't get it.
What’s with HB? I don’t know Trestles, but I’ve spent some time at HB and thought it was lovely.
3 minutes ago, Quaker2001 said:
But this feels like the kind of escalation that will make people ask that question again
You think so?
I’m just so f*cking angry, speechless and in despair. I don’t trust myself to write much more.
What the f*cking hell! Are these guys actually trying to hasten on Armageddon?
12 hours ago, StefanMUC said:
Have they rushed this through because of Saudi $$$ maybe?
That, sand probably Bach wanted a “legacy”. Trouble is he was always clueless and tone deaf about what drives esports.
Hopefully the next president will be one who’ll review the whole lunatic strategy. Look to embracing some popular esports, not the laughable roster Bach has tried to push. Maybe incorporate one or two events into the proper games, rather than subcontractor it out to the Saudis. Those oil despots shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near anything Olympic.
5 minutes ago, Victorian said:
What the hell have I just walked into
The first interesting discourse and debate on this thread for months.
Yeah, but @sebastien1214 is French. Protest is their national sport
I’ll leave you to your calculator…
12 minutes ago, AustralianFan said:
I didn’t belittle their concerns, they belittled themselves by turning up in small numbers @ 0.015% of greater Brisbane’s population.
No, YOU turned it into a numbers game and made a disparaging remark comparing them to the front row of the stadium. I’m not the only one who described that response as sneering.
Instead of playing the numbers game, why don’t you address the topic and explain how the needs of the stadium would, ahem, Trump the need for green space in a city not exactly bursting with it?
1 hour ago, AustralianFan said:
Almost bullying ? (cough) Seriously @Sir Rols where and why on earth did you dream that one up?
Only 300 protestors turning up to protest against the Olympic Stadium in Victoria Park is what it is. To give some context for both sides of this, the small number of protestors of 300 would not fill all the seats around the first row of the very stadium they’re protesting against.
That’s the reality of who turned up that day for the ‘no’ photo - only 0.015% of the population of greater Brisbane. That’s not bullying, that’s just a small protest, that’s it …. and that’s on them.
It’s totally belittling of valid concerns that some people have had to the merest (at the moment) hint that a certain plan may be considered. And surely the best way to address such concerns is not to belittle them and sneeringly dismiss them as irrelevant because the stadium crowds will make them look puny. It’s to consider their objections and see if there’s any way to work with them and around them. If they do choose Victoria Park they have some plan, for example, to counter balance the green space lost with more being made available elsewhere.
Numbers doesn’t make right. Otherwise we could dismiss indigenous concerns in our country with “well, they’re only 3.4 per cent of the population so they don’t matter”. And if there are valid grievances, numbers have a tendency to swell.
1 hour ago, AustralianFan said:
History shows that the new Gabba Stadium led to Olympic Bid Premier Palasczcuk being toppled and new Premier Miles dropping the Gabba Stadium after his own Graham Quirk Review recommended Victoria Park as the site of the new Stadium.
That is re-writing history - Palasczuk didn’t lose the premiership over the Gabba. She lost it over a general drop in support in the polls caused by a range of issues - cost of living, a long-term government, crime etc - just as it was about to enter an election year. The Gabba was a minor issue that played out and fed into those. Miles had already opposed the Gabba rebuild in cabinet as Treasurer when it was first proposed, so it was no surprise he killed it.
Rob is right. Three hundred protesters against a proposal that is even yet-to-be adopted IS significant. Especially when similar proposals had already been vetoed over the central concern - off of green space. To be dismissive of them and their concerns is quite arrogant. And on the sign-off that “they would even fill the front row of seats at the new stadium” is almost bullying.
Yes, let’s try to make the Brisbane Games a success, but let’s not do so by riding roughshod over democracy and more pressing concerns like the right to green space and financial probity. I’m not even necessarily opposed to a Victoria Park stadium, but I await to see if or how it could be done without negatively effecting Brisbane’s quality of life.
Finally, in this post-satire world, a pitch that makes sense!
BWS doing the Ceremonies for next year's Olympics
I’m not sure what they’ll bring to the table, but the catering should be good
1 hour ago, intoronto said:
lol. I have been posting on-off for the last few years.
Weren’t you around here during Paris as well? I though I noticed you around.
3 hours ago, intoronto said:
Posting randomly here and there. I hope everyone is doing fine.
I now happen to work in the sport industry, and part of my job is evaluating bids for sporting events. Funny how my interest from all those years ago has now led to a job 😂
Good to see you. And great to see GamesBidders translating their passions into their carers. Mo Rush is also involved in the bidding sphere from down in South Africa.
What’s with it with you Canadians turning to the fold in these last few days? First @Kenadian, now you. Nothing to do with your southern neighbours suddenly becoming un-neighbourly is it? Nest thing we’ll know, @mr.x will probably return.
I’ve watched them all now (well, I fast forwarded through Eliasch, I don’t give him much of a chnce). My impressions…
* Samaranch and Coe were probably the slickest. And I see in news reports it’s those two who seemed to be considered the front runners. Actually, I’m warming a bit to Samaranch - he was the most direct and seemingly open in a lot of his answers. He didn’t waffle as much into candidate-speak.
* I know I give Kirsty a hard time, but she comported herself well enough. Was peppered with questions about Bach and women in sport. I still don’t see my evidence of leader qualities, though.
* Watanabe’s funny. As wel as his 24-hour worldwide Olympics idea, he ups the ante with a plan to turn the IIOC into the World Sports Organisation, a mega global IF that will control all sports! You sure dream big, Mori!
* The questions were mostly tame. The guy from Xinhua with his “what’s the biggest challenge for the IOC” for each candidate. Duncan Mackay and the guys from The Times and the New York Times were the most probing. I think it as the NYT guy who tried to put Samaranch on the spot, asking: “You’re talking about taking power away from the EB and giving it back t the members. Why didn’t you d something about it when you were on the EB?”. Glad they also probed a fair bit about lack of transparency and why was the whole candidate process so restrictive and secretive.
47 minutes ago, Kenadian said:
Also...Hi everyone. It's been a while.
Hi Ken, nice to see the old crew pop in. Hope you’re well.
3 hours ago, Rob2012 said:
How low can that piece of sh!t sink. So now some poor black, Hispanic or woman in the control tower is going to get death threats
6 hours ago, Quaker2001 said:I think @Sir Rols had a good point. I don't expect Trump or MAGA influence to be seen in the opening ceremony, but I don't think his presence may lead the organizers to avoid anything that might be considered controversial. Of course, the flip side of that is maybe they absolutely don't care what Trump or any of his base thinks and they'll just parrot whatever Trump's opinions are on the Olympics, positive or negative
Put it this way, I don’t think we’ll get drag queens, but we may get…
If you want to make a drinking game of it, you can fast forward to 55:00 and down a shot each time Kirsty glowingly mentions Bach
For anyone so inclined, here’s the post-presentations media Q&As
That’s terrible news after what was already a terrible tragedy
Paris 2024
in Paris 2024 Summer Games
Yes, the main trappings all get taken down, but it’s funny how that even many years down the track you may still run across remnants. Even 25 years on in Sydney, I still occasionally come upon artefacts - driving along a road and noticing that some of the blue line from the marathon course hasn’t been worn away yet, travelling in a train past a props warehouse and seeing an abandoned OC prop, traffic signs to the velodrome that still display the Sydney 2000 logo. And many cars still sporting the souvenir Sydney 2000 license plates, or the odd person still going around with their volunteer jackets.