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Sir Rols

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Status Replies posted by Sir Rols

  1. @Sir Rols or @yoshi,Is there "Qatar 2022 WC sweepstakes"?:ph34r: It's almost 2 weeks to go.

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      I don’t know if there’d be enough interest

  2. Same **** every morning I log onto the LA thread. I know you have mod status ostensibly to remove spam but surely you could suspend RuFF and explain to Rob L later if he has a problem with it? The mod doesn't seem to be repointing to reports at the moment. I doubt many here would have a problem with you stepping in.


    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      It's almost exactly a repeat of the old Jim Jones days, don't you reckon?

      Anyway, I put a reply in Quaker's other status update - as I said there, I have been doing some surreptitious deleting of posts.

      Yeah, SSC is a bit more sane at the mo. At least there you get a bit of proper discussion amidst the LA rah rah. Here its just LA rah rah and schoolyard squabbles and worse. Pesto's a piece of work though, eh? But I'm just trying hard not to let the Ruffs and the Pesto's of the world get me riled up and drag me into the fray.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. In case you haven't seen it, you should be aware that you know who just called you out in the LA 2024 thread.  I've hit the Report Post button more times than I can count, but it seems to be pointless at this point.  I have thick skin, so I can handle his insults, although I should probably be smart enough to not even respond anymore.  But this needs to stop, for the sake of everyone in this forum.  I know the modus opperandi is normally to delete posts and pretend like they didn't occur, but that doesn't seem to be working.  And as I'm typing this, I see Rob mentioned essentially the same thing.  Please figure out a way to do something about this because it has gotten way out of hand.

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      I've been a bit of a dilemma over the whole thing. As Rob pointed out, I don't really have the license to moderate as such. Really I'm just supposed to sweep away the spambots. On the other hand, of course I think you know where my sympathies lay. I also have reported and sent suggestions to RobL about the situation over the past week, but all that's come of that is silence and a few posts being deleted. 

      Now, I have acted as Rob suggest over the past few days. I did delete a few posts earlier in the week, yesterday I deleted a sh!tload and this morning (my time) I've just deleted another handful. I've tried to be even-handed in doing that, in case RobL comes down hard on me for it (if he even notices). And yes, I did notice Truff's dig at me yesterday - my first instinct was to jump in, but on reflection I'm determined not to get myself worked up so much over his tantrums. And anyway, any refutation I might have posted would have just fuelled him to lash back.

      I'm not sure what the answer is. I wish RobL would at least give him an official warning, if not more. I'll continue to do some surreptitious deleting when he goes overboard - though sometimes I think it might be better for him to dig his own grave. Again though, I thought he had crossed that line with his justifications for calling people faggots, but that report yielded the mildest of responses from RobL. Anyway, if I get demoted for deleting so be it - at least I'd be back on the same even keel as the rest of you again (though I'd miss some of there nice modding tools). 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Same **** every morning I log onto the LA thread. I know you have mod status ostensibly to remove spam but surely you could suspend RuFF and explain to Rob L later if he has a problem with it? The mod doesn't seem to be repointing to reports at the moment. I doubt many here would have a problem with you stepping in.


    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      Hmmmm. I actually did report him the other day. I'm probably not the only one. I thought he'd get a warning, but seems RL only deleted a few posts.

      before the last board update, i did do a few surreptitious deleting of posts - inluding a couple of ruff's. i don't quite have as much or many modding abilities since the update, and it's all more transparent and traceable now too.

      i'm not saying i won't or chickening out, but let me poke a bit at the system to see what i could get away with.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. Swam next to Geoff Huegill yesterday - or rather he was doing his squad training in the lane next to me as I was ding my laps. Was a nice incentive to have an Olympian present while I was training.

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      Of beef, but mostly solid. I'm the one with a lot more belly fat to lose than him.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Thank you for years of Olympic discussions, for the good or evil. See you guys soon!

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      I'll second Rob on that and also add I hope the Rio games brings you, and other "old-timers" back to the GBids fold this August.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Have a good Christmas!Enjoy your happy winter holiday.

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      Well, it's a summer holiday Down Under, but nevertheless, hope you have a great Christmas!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Corruption, cheating, fiddling, doping! Where will it all end??

  9. "Two golds for Bolt. Too good for Gatlin" - Beautiful bit of commentary from Steve Cram.

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      I was wondering who this US Rugby Guy was that lived in Kent. Only just realised it was you, Rob.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. It was the Day of Showa yesterday and rols' happy birthday!

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      Thanks Palette :)

  11. Anybody know when Tokyo is releasing their logo this year, at least i suspect its this year

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      There was a timeline someone posted in the Tokyo thread a few days ago - logo launch looked about mid-year this year.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Sir Rols, Baron and inToronto, could you please delete your old conversations with me? I would like to send you a message regarding the Candidate City vote to take place on Sunday - thank you! #bidcomp2028

  13. Congrats Europe! Today you have won the 2024 Olympic!

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      Bullsh!t. Depends on the competition, but Boston is sellable. More so than I think LA would have been.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. "Never trust a man who reads only one book" #CharlieHebdo

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      I'm a bit troubled that on a day where freedom of expression has been grossly physically attacked, the reaction here was to shut down debate and close the thread. Sure, I know the the whole religious terrorism subject is inflammatory - but to even totally delete Frenchy's "Je Suis Charlie" post?!??

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. GamesBid 2022 Logo Comp Round-of-12 Sudden Death Poll is now open: http://bit.ly/1xGmq9Y

  16. ♪ Do a deer, a female deer, Re a drop of golden suuuuuuuuun ♪

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      I was going to use "I am 16, Going on 17" in honour of our newer members.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. He's only got 1 post left for the day, folks! Anyone want to take bets what thread it will be in?

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      I'm with Rob on this. He's easy to ignore. And he has so few posts, it's not even really annoying any more. Anyway, he and others seem to have settled into a nice, predictable routine. He makes 4-4 posts a day, usually dumb or pointlessly argumentative. And then others take tag team turns to answer back and give him the trigger to start the process again the next day. Everyone wins.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. Why the hell would a country want a sliding track anyways? You can only make so much money off public rides after the Games..

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      Mr Bernham - you DO know Munich DID bid with an existing track, don't you, or rather shouldn't you?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. Thanks to those who've already entered. Keep those logos coming! The Eight Annual GamesBids Logo Design Comp: http://bit.ly/1A0M9Kp

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      Till New Year's Eve. Are you gonna enter Marts?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. New GB site looks nice

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      Yeah, it does look nicer and cleaner. Whatever happened to Soaring's new GBids logo?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  21. The time has come, the walrus said, To speak of many things. Of fonts and pantone colour charts, of logos and rings...

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      Alas Dear Joan Rivers, we knew her well,

      But who'll be eating Krow on the red carpet,

      When he does his show and tell.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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