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Everything posted by baron-pierreIV

  1. So why should it go back to them?? So they can mess it up one more time???
  2. Didn't India stage SHAMBOLIC CWGs with Delhi 2010?? 🤪
  3. Not the Ambanis. but is BAZ Events auditioning for CWG 2030 and/or 2036 OGs Ceremonies portfolio? Apparently, this is outside Hyderabad.
  4. Huh! Ha! Coincidence or by design? Just learned that the symbol of the City of Milano is NOT La Scala but the Biscione or Serpent eating the child. It's also called as the logo of the House of Visconti (i.e., director Luchino). ANd, of course, starting tomorrow is the Year of the Snake per the Chinese zodiac. But Marco Polo though was from Venezia. And will next year's WOGs still stay in the Year of the Snake proper or crossed over to the next sign?? Biscione as a symbol of Milan Interesting symbols for 2 of Italy's largest cities -- the wolf, then the snake. what is Naples' logo? The pizza or Vesuvio??
  5. Hmmmm. Did Musk and Modi talk Olympics '36 as well? India's Modi meets with Tesla, SpaceX CEO Musk in Washington
  6. The intent is the same to include the 4th place finisher. However, in wrestling, Boxing, Judo, the bronze awardees did go thru a TOUGHER path to get to their almost TOP spot. Whereas in US Figure Skating, the Pewter winner has to BEST the whole field and come in 4th in only one shot. Only one performance vs. the 3 or 4 rounds for the boxers. judoka, wrestlers, etc.
  7. Is it? But their values are still traditional ones as held by the rest of the GOP/MAGA crowd and of the other Evangelicals who worship the Anti-Christ sitting in the White Dark House today!! (Yeah, I know . . . the Winter Games are generally the "whi(n)ter" version of the Summer Games . . .)
  8. Looks like it's happening!! Denmark offers $1,000,000,000,000 to buy the state of California and force ‘Calexit’ Denmark might yet have its first Summer Olympics and NOT in Kobenhaven!! And Walt Disney would never have guessed that the inspiration for his dream, Tivoli Gardens and Disneyland would one day be under the same flag!! My US passport needs renewing in April. I wonder how long I should hold off??
  9. Should we suggest to the HOC (Commite Olympique Hellenique) that maybe the Torch-Lighting in Olympia also have an LED component now? I mean the Esports Games in Riyadh 2027 would need that, right???
  10. Sign here!! Help Denmark Buy California – Because Why Not? A capital - Solvang is already in waiting!! (I have a 2nd cousin whose dad was Danish. Rest in peace, Per.)
  11. Except how will it be seen in Verona at the Closing, so it can be extinguished?? 🫢 Or will they have a FAKE 2nd cauldron in Verona to extinguish??
  12. While doing some research on another subject, I came across the fact that Milano hosted a rather major World Expo in 1906. (Its opening stole the thunder from the Intercalated games happening in Athens at the same time.) It celebrated the opening of the Simplon Tunnel. 120 years later, they have managed to tack on a Winter Games. Milan Internationale Exposition 1906, Italy Also,
  13. /\/\ Oh my. LA28 has a few Plan B's in place. (And speaking of the LACC, I find it quite odd that LA28 will be placing the IBC/Press Center in Studio City -- so far away from Downtown, the Exposition Park area, the Media/Press Village at USC, Inglewood and Caron City hubs. I know Universal/NBC will be providing the land and whatever building is required, but . . .
  14. /\ Ha! They're going to have to deal with Mexico which of course, is also now re-asserting its rights to their former lands north of the present border! 🤩 I'd take the Danish socialized structure of society, the best-looking Mounties (all male) for security against the other 48 (Hawaii will be a sub-province of Novo MexiCali) and mariachi music will be the Official Music of the new country!!
  15. /\/\ Let's hope. How odd -- Summer 2028 will take place in a Democratic blue state while Winter 2034 will return to a very Red GOP state. Let's see how the present ARROGANT Trump administration will deal / treat United 2026 and LA28 (throwing in all its political weight to influence IOC policies which do not conform to the Twamp/MAGA/GOP agenda) . . . and how the tension in those areas might endanger 2034 should the IOC decide to have an alternate host for '34.
  16. Olympic-sized visa problem looms over LA28 - Yup. And there's even one aftermath from LA'84, WC 1994 and Atlanta 1996 that I won't elaborate on in the hopes that the damned Twamp admin won't get wind of it and ruin foreign attendance.
  17. Well, Harbin is a true winter city. This whole show is so Arirang & tacky Chinese!!
  18. Why do you find this surprising? The vigilantes are making good on their word. Let's see how they are going to cope with the thousands of foreign fans who hope to come for United 2026 and LA28?? 😗
  19. But ya know, HB is just one community that is quite red -- and the event is what? 2 days? OKLAHOMA CITY is DEEP RED for at least 2 events -- maybe running over 7 or 8 days! Carson City might be purple. Anaheim (where Indoor Volleyball will be played) is more red than blue. Lower Trestles is a remote beach south of San Clemente. I hope LA28 picks the site that is best for the sport and for the organization. Politics shouldn't matter in staging the sports.
  20. /\/\ Unfortunately -- since LA is asking for federal aid -- such ill-timed demos by Angelenos at this time, aren't doing themselves any favors!! He will just squeeze the aid. Timing is everything.
  21. And will reach out across the ocean to Lake Placid as their back-up Sliding venue -- rather than to even close-by St. Moritz or Albertville or Innsbruck. Just so long as it's NOT another European country!! 🤪 I guess it will be their answer to Paris-Tahiti conundrum. Milano/Cortina-Lake Placid partnership!!
  22. Those press arrangements for Closing are NOT as elaborate as for Openings. I mean, countries which didn't win anything MIGHT have one token press member there. There's NOT much to tell in Closings other major victories, winners -- hopefully, no murders or hostage-taking or defections -- so the space allotted for the Press will be a lot smaller. And, of course, video Ops are being handle by OBS, so . . . as I said, I doubt 300-400 press will not be taking up that much space in a medium-sized arena. I'd say watch the Torino 2006 Closing for an idea of the logistics for such an event.
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