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Everything posted by Soaring

  1. I am now a resident of Tulsa!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DannyelBrazil


      Now you're part of the community, don't disappoint them! *lol =P

    3. Rob2012


      Oh no, he's become one of THEM! I'll take the stake, Danny you get the garlic cloves and Yoshi you're on Holy Water duty.

    4. DannyelBrazil


      hahahahaha, the devil is inside his body just because he moved to Tulsa?! hahahaha

  2. I actually want LA to bid for 2024. They will not win, and that could stave off a winter bid for 2026. Then maybe another U.S. city can swoop in for 2028 or 2032 and has a better chance at winning. LA doesn't seem to mind bidding (and losing), plus it gives an argument for another U.S. city when they bid - "we gave you our top three cities, and you have turned them all down... please, pretty please pick us!!!" In other news, Chicago is moving forward with plans to build a new arena that would have been nice should they have won 2016. See pictures here
  3. Ethiopia, Australia, Costa Rica, Peru, Thailand and India... the next 12 months are going to be fun!

    1. Gangwon


      You taking a year off to travel?

    2. Soaring


      Nope, it is all for work my friend :)

    3. deawebo


      Costa Rica is amazing... ¡Pura Vida! Way better than Peru.

  4. Way to go Blackhawks!!! Stanley Cup Champs!!!!

    1. ofan


      what a game!

    2. Soaring


      2 goals in 17 seconds to come back and win it! Yep, pretty spectacular!!

  5. I think Melbourne or Brisbane have better chance than Perth to be the next host from Oz. I think the earliest bid should be for 2040 or beyond. Just my own opinion though....
  6. You won't believe where I am moving in less than three months.... TULSA!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Soaring


      Yes, permanently...

    3. Lucas


      I am not really a geography-freak, where is Tulsa? I know is in the states but where?

    4. Soaring


      Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is just north of Texas.

  7. Leaving for Oz tomorrow!!

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      Have a great and safe trip!

  8. Hilarious, simply hilarious....
  9. Thoughts and prayers are with the folks in Boston....

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      I echo that. Thinking of you Bostonians.

  10. 4 weeks until my first trip to Australia!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deawebo


      Enjoy Australia... :D I dream to visit it, but it's too expensive!

    3. DannyelBrazil


      Australia is definitivelly in my wishlist. Enjoy and have a Foster for me! =P

    4. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      Uh ... don't have a Fosters. We don't drink it, just sell it to foreigners.

  11. Belize trip in March and Australia in May and November, this is turning out to be a fun travel year so far!

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      Work or play?

    2. Soaring


      Work, but I wlll take it

    3. deawebo


      Very near Tikal, I recomed that siteif you have time and intrest in mayan stuff. If not, Belize has great beaches

  12. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and may you all have a safe, happy and healthy 2013!!

  13. The new iPhone5 was in my mailbox today! This is the first time I got new tech right when it came out. But people should not get hyped over a small gaget like this

    1. intoronto



    2. Rob2012


      Transport for London noticeboard: http://bit.ly/SbQ4Mh

  14. NFL Football starts in two weeks! Can't wait!

    1. intoronto


      Is ur fav team the Bears? :P

    2. Soaring


      of course! but you have to say DA BEARS!

  15. Way to go Team GB, you are moving up the medal stand, and should be proud of a great Games so far!

  16. Let the Games begin! Go Team USA!!!

  17. Just two weeks away!

    1. Rob2012


      What's in two weeks, have I missed something?

    2. Soaring


      just a little gathering in a pretty unknown city :)

    3. Rob2012


      Oh well, have fun won' you!

  18. I would not want an American city bidding if Tokyo wins 2020, and both Paris and Durban bid for 2024. I don't see the U.S. having much of a chance in that race.
  19. Watching the U.S. Olympic Trials is getting me psyched for London!

  20. Off to SE Asia for a few weeks... c yeah later

  21. 100 DAYS UNTIL LONDON 2012!!!

  22. Today, Chicago 2024 released their slogan - check it out...

  23. Today Mayor Rahm Emanuel and former president Bill Clinton unveiled the Chicago 2024 bid logo. Check it out! http://www.gamesbids.com/forums/topic/21173-2024-summer-olympic-applicants/page__st__80

  24. Hands down, the cauldron lighting from Barcelona. I was seven years old, and it is actually my earliest memory of the Olympics. How can you forget, it is in my signature "Athens" fan.
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