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Status Replies posted by DannyelBrazil

  1. Tickets for Rio 2016 here we go!

  2. I'm starting to really like the look of the games on Rio's site! :D

  3. Tickets for Rio 2016 here we go!

    1. DannyelBrazil


      Thank you!

      Opening Ceremony (dream)

      Any basketball session

      Any Volleyball session

      Open air free events

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. It's a straight-forward question but I don't seem to be able to get an answer. What is this forum's policy on hate speech?

    1. DannyelBrazil


      Years later I got a thread locked because an innocent parody...

      Some people have free pass here.

      Just get used as most of us.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. It's a straight-forward question but I don't seem to be able to get an answer. What is this forum's policy on hate speech?

    1. DannyelBrazil


      There are no limits... When I complained in the past, all I got was a statement about freedom of expression in the board...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. Is this the year of gif-ified logo battles?

  7. Appears that Brasilia will give up the 2019 Universiade. http://tinyurl.com/oh2uaxj

  8. Merry Christmas guys, from the next Summer Olmypics host

  9. Oh my goodness, keep the people of Sydney in your thoughts right now.

    1. DannyelBrazil


      Why people do these kind of things?

      Hope everything is okay in Australia as soon as possible.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Chespirito... :'(

    1. DannyelBrazil


      I'm truly sad. I grew up watching hours and hours of Chaves (Brazilian weird translation of Chavo) and Chapulin...

      RIP Chespirito.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. Black Friday MAKES NO SENSE IN THE UK. Stop sending me effing emails about it, I don't care!!

    1. DannyelBrazil


      I got one or two real nice discounts for Black Friday, but I'd rather old Brazilian "Mega Saldão" or "Queima de Estoque"... Why everything must get a name in English?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. So Gibraltar are two goals better off than Brazil were at half time against Germany. :)

  13. So Gibraltar are two goals better off than Brazil were at half time against Germany. :)

  14. Rio 2016 Brazil GB members. HELP! A filthy Paedophile has escaped custody in NZ and has made it to Brazil. Phillip Smith is his name but he also goes by Phillip Traynor. He is evil and murdered the father of one of his child victims. He is cunning and sly. Once a Paedophile, always a Paedophile! Deal to him...

  15. Rio 2016 Brazil GB members. HELP! A filthy Paedophile has escaped custody in NZ and has made it to Brazil. Phillip Smith is his name but he also goes by Phillip Traynor. He is evil and murdered the father of one of his child victims. He is cunning and sly. Once a Paedophile, always a Paedophile! Deal to him...

  16. Brazil Elections 2014: Dilma to be booed as president in Rio 2016 OC. *Nice one Victor!

  17. Brazilians chooosing today who will be booed at Maracanã on the 5th of August 2016. Polls closing at 5PM Brasília Time.

    1. DannyelBrazil


      My respect to President Dilma. Good luck and may wisdom be with you in the next 4 years.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  18. Brazilians chooosing today who will be booed at Maracanã on the 5th of August 2016. Polls closing at 5PM Brasília Time.

    1. DannyelBrazil


      I am so indifferent to the outcome of the elections ... It was like pick who is better: McDonald's or Burger King?

      Same ****, the brand is different, the flavor can differ a bit, but Both are junk food.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  19. Rio 2016 mascots to be unveiled November 16th!

  20. GBidders would love the drama of our brazilian presidential elections

    1. DannyelBrazil


      For sure!!! That's drama elections!

      Pity, South America is not relevant to them. XD

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  21. Friends, it's been fun, but the chapter has come to a close. I enjoyed GB, but it's time to move on. Aloha.

  22. Brazil 3 times champions of BRA-ARG annual match. Argentina: 21 years without raise a trophy

  23. I went to a microwave typed some numbers and voilà! I voted. #brazilelections

    1. DannyelBrazil


      The biometric ID of voters failed miserably really.

      Why spend so much money with this?

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

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