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  1. Didn't know thatt you are here~

  2. One more picture of another personal favourite (can't believe I forgot about this one) Porto Metro by Bombardier - Source: Paulo2004 on SCC/Flickr
  3. Global TV Report: http://canwest.a.mms.mavenapps.net/mms/rt/...ba-a490510d9fc5 Global TV Newscasts>Global BC Newshour Mar 05>17:30 (you have to wait to load and drag the viewer to 17:30, they didn't divide it into a seperate report) Notice reporter Linda Aylesworth said something wrong when she reports about route mapping.
  4. Credits to Officedweller for reporting first on SSP: Latest City report: http://vancouver.ca/ctyclerk/cclerk/...uments/tt3.pdf Source: http://forum.skyscraperpage.com/showpost.p...mp;postcount=15 Previous Report http://vancouver.ca/ctyclerk/cclerk/...uments/pe5.pdf *Note below were only concepts put together, not official streetcars, stations, and detailed designs put together by the City of Vancouver* Granville Island Stop Rendering - Credits to Officedweller Main Street Science World Stop Rendering (Connections with SkyTrain) - Credits to Officedweller Chinatown Stop Rendering - Credits to Officedweller Gastown Stop Rendering - Credits to Officedweller Waterfront Station Rendering (Connections with SkyTrain, Canada Line, SeaBus, and West Coast Express) - Credits to Officedweller Global BC TV's Report I will provide video link when they upload it. Tony Parsons According to Global, there is now a change of plans with the line. Phase 0-A will be from Granville Island to Canada Line Olympic Village Station, then continue to Main Street Science World. After that, they will explore options for expansion, should there be a demand, and extend it to Stanley Park, Yaletown, etc. Phase 0-A Option Picture of the SLUT (:haha:) in Seattle Historic Streetcar still there They may use the old historic streetcars for special occasions (opening of 2010 ceremonies, during olympics, weekends, etc.).
  5. Sorry, switching forums too fast: http://youtube.com/watch?v=FH7_zA-T7-U Global BC Report.
  6. FH7_zA-T7-U Why isn't it working ARGH but view the link Edit: There we go
  7. Double Guidway near Yoahan Centre from 98 B-Line Double Guidway at Canadian Tire from 98 B-Line Canada Line supplies near Sea Island Way (and beginning construction of No. 3 Rd) Canada Line supplies near Sea Island Way (and beginning construction of No. 3 Rd)
  8. Notice the single guideway is pretty thin compared to the double tracked guidway Shaky image of future Lansdowne Station from the 98 B-Line Lansdowne Station from 98 B-Line at Lansdowne & No. 3 Lansdowne Station from 98 B-Line Shaky image of Aberdeen Station from 98 B-Line
  9. Unique perspective from the Third Floor of the London Building (single guidway section) Unique perspective from the Third Floor of the London Building (single guidway section) Unique perspective from the Third Floor of the London Building (single guidway section) From No. 3 Road (single guidway section) From Westminster Highway(single guidway section)
  10. From Global BC. They got a few shots of "open stations" but they didn't say which one is which. I'm sure some of you can tell by the pictures here: EDIT: Not sure what happened to the third and fourth pic. Sorry
  11. There were rumors in mid 2007 that Vancouver would aquire the University Endowment Lands but I wouldn't that would happen.
  12. Oh wow more speculation now. I do wish them being more open about their plans but hey, it would be a nice surprise too =D
  13. I read that article three times now and I still didn't understand what it was trying to say...
  14. I haven't replied to Gamesbids for soo long now. Just when I come back, I see this disgraceful topic first thing. And looking at the first title, I know this entire topic is BS: Voters Regret = just because YOU regret doesn't mean VOTERS regret. This is an unjustified statement. I won't focus on the rest of the flaws since everyone else has already
  15. ^Many of the Taxis in Vancouver right now are Toyota Prius... but I guess having more hybrids are good too.
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