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KRATK last won the day on November 8 2023

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  • Birthday 09/01/1987

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    Santiago de Chile

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  1. For sure, the YOG are a more realistic opportunity. WOG could be another option, but we know that even if we can invest in new venues, other issues hinder an application from a Southern Hemisphere country. However, the momentum now is to apply for the 2036 Summer Olympics. President Boric mentioned that it is something the government is studying and some congresspeople are also promoting it openly. But I'm pretty sure people will forget about this eventually or, if we eventually apply, it won't go anywhere, much like the 2030 WC bid.
  2. I don't agree at all with the pessimistic view of Roger87 about the Pan American Games, which were a success in the end despite struggling due to the corrupt and inept former government, the pandemic and the protests. But certainly, there is no way Santiago can get the Games in 2036. Sure, people are talking about it and I don't mind the government and the COCh entertaining the idea of applying, because that could make them think bigger. Besides getting a new National Stadium that can be modern and host a larger attendance, Santiago doesn't need any larger venues than those that were used in the Pan American Games, and they are way smaller than the Olympics require. We are still very far away from most of the developed world and I can only see Santiago being a potential host if the IOC decides to have the Games back in South America but Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo are not available. I hope the success of Santiago 2023 can push us to bid for more events (WINTER OLYMPICS ANYONE!? But, seriously, the YOG seem more likely and adequate) and also events in other parts of the country - something like South American or Pan American Games in Concepción. But the Summer Olympics in Santiago? Only in 2048+ and depending on how climate change wipes out all other potential cities in the world.
  3. Thanks! Now I can't travel that much given I got a new job here... I moved to London for a few months and I thought I would miss the Pan Am Games so when I got that job offer I said "Well, Santiago is not London, but London doesn't have the Games" haha They started selling merchandising in April this year... but it was a success. Everything was sold out in the online store by the first week of the Games and in the Stadium it was practically impossible to find some stuff. I think they will get new items once the Para Pan Am starts in a few days.
  4. Hi everyone! I hope you missed me hehehe. I haven't posted in a long time here but I HAD to come here and talk about this. It's been two days since the Pan Am Games ended in Santiago and I feel so emotional about this event. Sure, I always wanted the Pan Ams to be finally held in Santiago after so many failed attempts, but... they weren't the Olympics. Good but not great, right? And Santiago hosted the South American Games a few years ago and it was okay, but nothing spectacular. But omg we, as a nation, had such a great time. I'm not sure if it was because the Pan Ams are something else (not the Olympics but close enough), because they were so well organized or just because we needed an event like this to heal after the 2019 social unrest, the pandemic and a polarized and confrontational society. I feel, after these amazing weeks, that the Pan American Games united the country and made us feel like these rough four years are gone. Who knows if this will be maintained after the Para Pan Am Games end but you can only hope. ----- The Games itself were a joy. Most of the venues were amazing and, although the National Stadium is clearly an outdated venue, it was okay. I moved two months ago to a new apartment less than a kilometre from the National Stadium so I could even see from my balcony the rehearsals of the opening and some medal ceremonies. I walked every day last week there to see a different event and I had so much fun. The people were enjoying everything and it was amazing to see sports that you have no idea about but still be able to talk about them with a stranger next to you and support athletes you've never heard before. On the good side, Chile clearly demonstrated that we can host big events. Besides small problems, the new venues and the city infrastructure worked perfectly. There was a great atmosphere and you could see the political support needed to make the Pan Am Games succeed. I read somewhere that approx. 1.5 million people attended the Games, three times more than in Lima 2019. And how could anyone not mention Fiu, the mascot and star of the Games. Everyone loves Fiu now and if someone asks if he should be in our flag, it will be approved unanimously. I can't even mention how many souvenirs and collectables I bought... the only thing I can mention is that I'm seriously thinking about tattooing it myself (and I know people who have done it haha). Obviously, not everything is perfect. The opening and closing ceremonies weren't really good... but, honestly, who really cared about them? I'm pretty sure the only country where it was broadcasted was Chile so I don't think spending a lot of money would have made any sense. And I do think we missed the opportunity to bring back some winter sports, at least as an exhibition event. ----- Sure, after the success of Santiago 2023, a lot of people are raising the idea of applying for the 2036 Summer Olympics (even the organizing committee and the official Twitter account mentioned it) but I personally think we still have a long run before that. A new National Stadium, more modern and twice its size, is something that we need already... but besides that, I think all the current venues are appropriate for a city like Santiago. To get the Olympics we will probably need to enlarge most of those venues and they will become white elephants. And, still, I don't know if we have enough political relevance to defeat a bid from Turkey, China, India or some country in Europe. I do think that we can start thinking bigger. I've mentioned several times the idea of the Winter Olympics and the Pan Am Games proved that we could do it for sure. It's not as expensive as the Summer Olympics and we have the city infrastructure for sure, but there are other problems for the Winter Olympics (the schedule, the lack of snow due to climate change, etc.). Another alternative could be the YOGs. Also, President Boric has confirmed that Santiago will apply to host the 2027 Special Olympics. ---- I joined this forum I think around 15 years ago. I remember I was still in school. And, if someone asked me why I joined this forum... I wouldn't have an answer. I guess just because I loved watching flags and men playing sports. Now it is because I've never seen my city as vibrant, happy and energized as with the Pan American Games and I can't wait till I can see something like this again.
  5. Not a huge fan of the logo, but it is ok. I love the idea of showing the Andes in it! I hope they keep it somehow in the final logo. Too bad the BA 2004 bid used the condor, it would have been my favourite thing for a Santiago logo.
  6. Well, FINALLY!!! After cancelling twice and being beaten by Lima a few years ago, FINALLY we will host a major international event! As Roland said, it was bloody time! Although the PASO election may have influenced something (you can't discard anything in any Latin American sport organization), it always seemed to me that the BA bid didn't have future. Yes, they would had the infrastructure from the YOG, but I'm not even sure they are doing a lot about it. The situation in Argentina is still very complicated politically and economically so I wasn't sure they will commit with this bid... just like La Punta, I thought it was more a show than a serious intention.
  7. Originally, the Chilean government decided to cancel the Santiago 2023 bid given the proposal made by the local Olympic committee and the Ministry of Sparts was badly rated. That encouraged Buenos Aires to bid and be, until today, the only official proposal. However, the Chilean Congress requested President Michelle Bachelet to support the bid anyways, and according to press reports, this was accepted and the bid will be announced today. http://www.t13.cl/noticia/deportes13/polideportivo/chile-presentara-su-candidatura-a-los-juegos-panamericanos-2023 So, will it be Buenos Aires vs Santiago after all?
  8. ¡Feliz Navidad para todos!

  9. First, the Copa Sudamericana. Now, defeating UC at their home... closer to the Double Championship. Thanks Universidad de Chile for everthing!

    1. deawebo


      felicidades universidad de chile! :D

    2. KRATK
  10. Uruguay 4-0 Chile. I think we should move to OFC to stop these disgraceful moments

    1. intoronto


      one blowout loss to the defending world cup bronze medalist is not bad. It happens ask Turkey.

    2. KRATK


      Being defeated by Venezuela; then 4-1 to Argentina and then 4-0 to Uruguay. And playing terrible... that's the problem.

    3. intoronto


      Oh I didn't realize the previous results.

  11. Happy birthday Chile!

    1. DannyelBrazil


      Felicitaciones al pueblo hermano de Chile!

    2. KRATK
  12. istanbul2020a1.png


    Istanbul 2020 - SubForum - Invitation

  13. istanbul2020a1.png


    Istanbul 2020 - SubForum - Invitation

  14. Chile must change. No more repression, no more government stupidity. ¡Educación pública, libre y gratis para todos los chilenos!

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