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Lee last won the day on August 13 2024

Lee had the most liked content!

About Lee

  • Birthday 06/01/1976

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  1. Out of all 4 ceremonies, this is the one I wish I had a ticket to. Jarre was just legendary. They really should have given him a bigger role in the ceremonies.
  2. There was also much less filling in the Paris games. London had a much meatier sandwich. Have we forgotten what the London Olympic park looked like in 2005? The transformation of that area alone puts London streets ahead for me.
  3. Does anyone know if Gare Du Nord was cleaned up for the Olympics? The streets around it were quite shocking when I visited in 2019. It was one giant urinal, with people openly urinating on the pavements.
  4. Versaille also looked wonderful during the equestrian. What a backdrop.
  5. Streets of Paris for me. However, I did notice that the crowds lining the marathon were significantly down on the crowds lining the marathon route during London 2012. That's not o say they weren't well supported, just an observation.
  6. Yes, he is from Hampshire. Thanks, I will keep an eye out for that film.
  7. I expect I was in the thick of that. Your username is familiar but I have a terrible memory. The boards were really alive during that time.
  8. I do the same with every summer games. I can't help but look in and smile as I read the regular posters discussing ceremony and venue details. Sadly, I think the shine has gone off the bid process. After London we lost that real battle between cities to fight for the right to host. I do miss those days.
  9. Do you speak Danish yet, Michelle? We lived in Frankfurt for 18 months due to my husband's work but I struggled to get past anything but basic German. I find German particularly hard to get my head around. I have lots of vocabulary but struggle with the grammar rules. What makes things worse is that my husband is very good with languages. He speaks German fluently and in lockdown he learnt Dutch. He is now studying French and intends to move onto Swedish. Great names. Elio is very unusual.
  10. Damn. I was looking for the 2 locks of hair edition. You were so close to a sale there. 😂
  11. Hi Baron! Is that for the gold leaf pages edition? 😂
  12. Rude. 😂 I still have your book, Baron. Any more of that and it's going on the wood burner. 🤣
  13. I really hope not. You always made me laugh with your comebacks. That's kind of you to say. I certainly count you as one of the most knowledgeable and considered posters. Congrats Michelle. How many children do you have? I always struggled with the prospect of parenting as I had too many issues myself that I didn't want to pass on. I admire the sacrifice of those that do though. It must be a wonderful feeling. Wow. I do love Copenhagen. Have been several times but my wallet always suffers from the strain of the prices there. I think only Norway and Switzerland are more expensive. Sadly, all countries I love to visit.
  14. Me too. I am just hoping I can convince my husband. Yes, all good here. I got married in 2019 and now live in the countryside (Yorkshire Dales). Are you still in Belgium? Gamesbids was a really special place for me when I joined in 2003. It opened up so many new friendships across the world and I have some really great memories. I also cringe at some of the posts I made and how I behaved. There were reasons for this that I won't go into. I like to think I am a lot less highly strung these days. Thankfully, I found my soulmate in 2010 and after London I became disenfranchised with the argements and bickering that seemed to dominate the boards. I pop in very occasionally for information but rarely post as I don't have the time. Hope you are well and happy, too.
  15. Good to see you still around, Michelle. Did you go to Paris for the games?
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