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PikyoK last won the day on December 7 2023

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About PikyoK

  • Birthday 11/21/2000

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    Sydney, Australia
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    Ceremonies, Stadiums, Olympic Design, Olympism, music, Eurovision, art, 2D/3D animation, world culture.

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  1. I love it! Love how the visual identity and pictograms look consistent. It's got an athletic tone to the games thanks to the fluro colours. I somehow trace my mind back to the visual identity for Torino 2006. You could argue that it's a refined or reimagined 2006 visual identity for 2026.
  2. I'm back. I'll critique the rest of the Paris ceremonies in the upcoming days as I am a bit busy with work reason. So now that the Olympic attention is being turned from Paris 638km south-west to Milano Cortina for the 2026 Winter Olympics, I thought I might share this interesting article I came across on Linkedin for all the ceremony enthusiasts here. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/assegnate-le-cerimonie-e-il-viaggio-della-fiamma-di-ohlpc/?trackingId=bm5ujhNdqLKaMzHEsL8yNw%3D%3D For those who don't have a Linkedin account, here is the article in Italian: Assegnate le Cerimonie e il Viaggio della Fiamma di Milano Cortina 2026 October 11, 2024 Le Cerimonie Olimpiche e Paralimpiche saranno i momenti iconici dei prossimi Giochi di Milano Cortina 2026 e rappresenteranno un elemento di grande emozione e orgoglio per l’Italia e per tutto il mondo dello sport. Sono stati scelti tre luoghi diversi che a vario titolo raccontano la storia, non solo sportiva, del Paese. Lo stadio San Siro di Milano accenderà i suoi riflettori il prossimo 6 febbraio 2026 per la Cerimonia d’Apertura Olimpica; l’Arena di Verona accoglierà la Cerimonia di Chiusura Olimpica, il 22 febbraio, e di Apertura Paralimpica, il 6 marzo; mentre lo storico Stadio del Ghiaccio di Cortina d’Ampezzo, nel cuore delle Dolomiti e inaugurato nel 1956 in occasione dei Giochi Olimpici Invernali, ospiterà la Cerimonia di Chiusura dei Giochi Paralimpici il 15 marzo. Le Cerimonie dei Giochi Questi quattro grandi momenti di spettacolo coinvolgeranno miliardi di persone e racconteranno, a vario titolo, tutti i meravigliosi territori di Milano Cortina 2026 e offriranno l’opportunità di presentare al mondo alcuni luoghi straordinari dello sport e del patrimonio culturale italiano. Un format nuovo per le Cerimonie più viste al mondo, che ha portato la Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 a scegliere, per la produzione dei quattro momenti iconici, tre tra le agenzie più qualificate e di grande esperienza in questo settore. Balich Wonder Studio sarà la società incaricata di realizzare la Cerimonia di Apertura Olimpica a Milano; Filmmaster produrrà le Cerimonie di Chiusura Olimpica e di Apertura Paralimpica a Verona e G2 Eventi – Casta Diva Group costruirà infine la Cerimonia di Chiusura Paralimpica a Cortina. “Siamo davvero entusiasti di collaborare con partner così qualificati e che hanno compreso perfettamente la nostra visione. Siamo certi che contribuiranno con il loro talento, creatività e grande esperienza a rendere uniche le Cerimonie di Milano Cortina 2026 e a promuovere i valori dei Giochi Olimpici e Paralimpici. Ci sarà un fil rouge tra le varie Cerimonie, ma soprattutto, proprio perché siamo i primi Giochi diffusi, per la prima volta ci sarà anche una Cerimonia di Apertura diffusa, con l’obiettivo di coinvolgere il più possibile i veri protagonisti delle Olimpiadi e Paralimpiadi”, ha spiegato Maria Laura Iascone, Ceremonies Director di Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026. Il Viaggio della Fiamma Olimpica e Paralimpica Nei mesi precedenti l’inizio dei Giochi, la Fiamma Olimpica, uno dei simboli più potenti e significativi delle Olimpiadi, attraverserà tutta l’Italia diffondendo i valori dello sport, dell’inclusività e portando con sé un messaggio di pace universale, unità e speranza. Il Viaggio della Fiamma accenderà l’emozione Olimpica nel cuore degli italiani, celebrerà la bellezza del nostro Paese e racconterà le storie delle migliaia di tedofori che avranno l’onore di partecipare alla staffetta. Il progetto del Viaggio della Fiamma Olimpica e Paralimpica è stato affidato alla società ALPHAOMEGA che, in partnership con la società RNK, supporterà la Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 al fine di rendere questo viaggio una celebrazione collettiva indimenticabile. And now translated into English, thanks to Google Translate: Ceremonies and the Journey of the Flame of Milano Cortina 2026 have been assigned The Olympic and Paralympic Ceremonies will be the iconic moments of the next Milano Cortina 2026 Games and will represent an element of great emotion and pride for Italy and for the entire world of sport. Three different locations have been chosen that in various ways tell the story, not only sporting, of the country. The San Siro stadium in Milan will turn on its spotlights on February 6, 2026 for the Olympic Opening Ceremony; the Verona Arena will host the Olympic Closing Ceremony, on February 22, and the Paralympic Opening Ceremony, on March 6; while the historic Ice Stadium in Cortina d'Ampezzo, in the heart of the Dolomites and inaugurated in 1956 on the occasion of the Winter Olympic Games, will host the Closing Ceremony of the Paralympic Games on March 15. The Ceremonies of the Games These four great moments of spectacle will involve billions of people and will tell, in various ways, all the wonderful territories of Milano Cortina 2026 and will offer the opportunity to present to the world some extraordinary places of Italian sport and cultural heritage. A new format for the most viewed Ceremonies in the world, which has led the Milano Cortina 2026 Foundation to choose, for the production of the four iconic moments, three of the most qualified and experienced agencies in this sector. Balich Wonder Studio will be the company in charge of creating the Olympic Opening Ceremony in Milan; Filmmaster will produce the Olympic Closing and Paralympic Opening Ceremonies in Verona and G2 Eventi – Casta Diva Group will finally build the Paralympic Closing Ceremony in Cortina. “We are truly excited to collaborate with such qualified partners who have perfectly understood our vision. We are certain that they will contribute with their talent, creativity and great experience to make the Milano Cortina 2026 Ceremonies unique and to promote the values of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. There will be a common thread between the various Ceremonies, but above all, precisely because we are the first widespread Games, for the first time there will also be a widespread Opening Ceremony, with the aim of involving the true protagonists of the Olympics and Paralympics as much as possible”, explained Maria Laura Iascone, Ceremonies Director of Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026. The Journey of the Olympic and Paralympic Flame In the months preceding the start of the Games, the Olympic Flame, one of the most powerful and significant symbols of the Olympics, will travel across Italy spreading the values of sport, inclusiveness and carrying with it a message of universal peace, unity and hope. The Journey of the Flame will ignite the Olympic emotion in the hearts of Italians, will celebrate the beauty of our country and will tell the stories of the thousands of torchbearers who will have the honor of participating in the relay. The project of the Journey of the Olympic and Paralympic Flame has been entrusted to the company ALPHAOMEGA which, in partnership with the company RNK, will support the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 in order to make this journey an unforgettable collective celebration. The key takeaways: Confirmation of venues chosen for ceremonies (San Siro Stadium to host Olympic Opening, Verona Arena to host Olympic Closing and Paralympic Opening, and the historic Ice Stadium in Cortina to host Paralympic Closing) Choice of venues tell the story of Italy, not just winter sports Three Creative agencies have been chosen for the 2026 ceremonies (Balich Wonder Studio (meh) will create the Olympic Opening, Filmmaster for the Olympic Closing and Paralympic Opening, and G2 Eventi Casta Diva Group for the Paralympic Closing) A 'common thread' for all the ceremonies - maybe a continuing storyline? first widespread Games by including the protagonists - athletes? Like Paris 2024? Maria Laura Iascone is the Ceremonies Director for MiCo2026 Events agency ALPHAOMEGA will organise the Italian route of the 2026 Torch Relay RNK (which according to my research) could be in charge of producing the design of the torch
  3. sign me up! if there is one. Will post a verdict tomorrow.
  4. Princess Anne would be magnificent!
  5. I don't know about other countries but given the poor commentary from Australia as if they weren't following the media guide, the secret rehearsals, and the controversy that came out of the Opening Ceremony, I question whether they were given one on the night and whether it was released afterwards for the press.
  6. Very colourful but complicated reading structure. I would love to see how a hard copy of the media guide was delivered to the commentators. Was it in a book with the ceremony structure and segments in a concertina fold? Was the media guide even given to the commentators given that ceremonies were held in secret and the amateurish Australian commentary? That's what I would like to know.
  7. True. Mikiko deserved better! It's funny because it was raining in Paris and in Sydney too when the sun went up! I laughed when the rain here started at the end of the ceremony. The music was top-notch. Can't complain! Hopefully Daft Punk and Deep Forest at the Closing.
  8. The opening ceremony was very Parisian as if it was indicative of all of France. Here's an interesting read from SBS' Cultural Atlas on France: "The second form of stratification is between the urban and rural population. France has had a significant rural population throughout history and the country continues to have a distinction between provincial areas and large cities like Paris. Paris has long been considered the capital and cultural centre of France. Most jobs requiring a high level of education are found in the capital, and most highways throughout the country lead to Paris. The people and culture associated with Paris refer to themselves as ‘Parisien’. Those from Paris may refer to the people and culture from the provinces as ‘Provinciaux’ (‘Provincial’). However, those from the provinces of France may find this term derogatory as well as failing to recognise the diversity of cultures and lifestyles in the provinces." "Outsiders often view French culture as synonymous with the culture found in Paris. However, the culture of provincial France differs in many ways. These cultures vary from province to province, depending on where the province is located geographically. For example, the northeast region of Grand Est shares its border with Germany and has notable German influences throughout." Hence the saying 'Paris is not France'.
  9. Thank you. I take that as a compliment. I agree. So out of this world.
  10. interesting to see which one he chooses.
  11. The other director involved in Eurovision 2022 in Turin was Emanuele Cristofoli. He was in charge of the opening and interval acts of all three shows.
  12. Italians are creative and I'm sure there are some really great ones out there...with the exception of Marco Balich. The other Italian director I can think of now is Paolo Sorrentino but looking at his work, his creative concepts and styles might be a little too serious for Olympic ceremonies. He could perhaps direct one artistic segment for the MC2026 ceremonies. His famous films and series include The Young Pope, its sequel The New Pope and Loro. Another director who would be perfect for the 2026 ceremonies would be Enrico Casarosa. His works are imaginative and optimistic. His famous work is the Pixar film 'Luca'. Cristian Biondani and Duccio Forzano are also great choices for directors as they have had experience delivering live shows. One of their recent works includes directing the Semi-Finals and Grand Final of Eurovision 2022 held in Turin, Italy.
  13. But why the song Imagine? Does Yoko Ono or John Legend's relatives get royalties from the IOC for the song to be performed at every Opening Ceremony? I get that it's about peace and unity for everyone around the world but I'm sure there are other songs out there that also explain peace, harmony and coming together rather than Imagine. It does get a bit boring after a few ceremonies. As for the media guide, I was looking on the Olympic World Library website yesterday to see if a media guide is available. I wonder if the commentators were given media guides. If not, is the media guide being prepared as we speak so that the IOC, POCOG, and Jolly can cover up the controversies during the Opening Ceremony? I would dearly love to get my hands on that guide/programme once it comes out. I agree with this view! It did seem dada-ish and disjointed but some segments were enjoyable to watch. If I were a director, I would have the main site of the Opening either at the Trocadero or the Stade De France, have the parade of Athletes, Olympic Protocol and some artistic segments there but also have some artistic segments on the bridges or at live sites with an audience so that everyone can be included in the show, it won't seem empty and you're showing landmarks and the beauty of Paris at the same time! This gives me an idea. Why don't I pretend to be a director and start planning a hypothetical opening of Milano Cortina 2026?
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