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Everything posted by JesseSaenz

  1. No. These renovations were taking place regardless if the city won the games or not. USC wanted to upgrade it for their games, which incidently, the Rams will also benefit from. As we get closer to the games, they will install a track and give it another quick sprucing up before the opening ceremonies.
  2. Banc of California is putting the final touches to the stadium. Hard to believe it will be fully operational in just a few weeks time, an entire decade before 2028. Also, the Coliseum renovations are well underway.
  3. Happy to see the extension to Westwood where the Village will be, but it bothers me that it's just a few miles shy of Santa Monica. Also, no West Hollywood connection from the LAX line is another big ouch.
  4. You are almost making a case for the flying Uber service. All of it will use existing or already developing technologies and software, not to mention it is a partnership they have with NASA on this. Is it challenging, hell yes. Is it impossible? No.
  5. Even the Mayor joked about it. He couldn't understand why the Chargers decided to leave SD. No one in LA wanted them, and SD wanted them to stay. So weird. Even Rams, they are the #1 team right now, and the crowds at the Coliseum are not what they were last year (Granted it holds 90,000)
  6. It's not just the shuttle. LAX as a whole is a very stressful place. Airports in general are, but LAX takes the cake. Traffic, huge terminals, and nothing connecting them. So if you have to make a connecting flight, GOOD LUCK! So glad they are unfucking that airport. Anytime I am flying into LAX I am already downing wine or tequila because I KNOW the next hour or so after landing will be a **** show.
  7. Those seem more like operational challenges that can be worked out, I mean, 11 years dude. Remember that 10 years ago we didn't even know what an iPhone was, and now they practically grow on trees.
  8. It won't be the only city with Dallas/Ft. Worth and Dubai also signing on, but pretty fun addition if they can pull it off. Personally, I still think a fully functional Hyperloop connecting Los Angeles to San Francisco, Las Vegas, and San Diego would be much more of a success story. Los Angeles 2028 and the Olympic flying Taxi network https://www.forbes.com/sites/bizcarson/2017/11/08/uber-wants-to-bring-its-flying-taxis-to-traffic-congested-los-angeles-ahead-of-the-olympics/#5edefd1e42ec
  9. A private-public partnership for the Sepulveda pass makes sense. I hope the go through with it an go with it at full throttle. On my wish list for 28' is the extension of the Crenshaw Line through Koreatown, West Hollywood and terminating at the Hollywood/Highland Station. I also think they should extend the Subway from Wilshire/Vermont down to AT LEAST MLK/Vermont. That would mean two rail lines servicing Expo Park/USC Area. One running East/West, the other, north south. And IDEALLY, it would be great if the Purple Line terminated at Santa Monica and not at UCLA/Veterans hospital. I mean it WAS dubbed "Subway to the Sea" for a reason.
  10. Thank goodness. Measure M was the safety net, but the Olympics was, whether they want to admit it or not, their Plan A. And of course its voter approved. My guess is that they will work on some of the smaller projects first with maybe 2 or 3 standout lines. I doubt they will work on their 50 year plan all in 10 years.
  11. Dumb question(s), so I apologize in advance. When do host cities move from their bid logo to their official logo? Has there ever been a city that retained its bid logo for its official host city logo? Will Paris & LA release them at the same time? As much as I like both Paris and LAs bid logos, I am getting kind of bored of them, and we are still 7 and 11 years away. Haha
  12. Yeah. I remember back like in 2007 learning about this. Additionally, a beattle from Saudi Arabia is also killing them.
  13. It has been well documented that the 1984 Games were the beginning of LA's woes with police all which culminated in with the ugly riots of 1992. The city and its law enforcement agencies, along with the secret service will need to make sure that they don't over police and that will be a monumental task.
  14. A cool and mostly positive/optimistic article in Wired Magazine about the 11 year wait for LA. "LA has 11 years to figure it out, which is long enough to succeed—and long enough to screw it all up. " https://www.wired.com/story/2028-olympics-fix-los-angeles/
  15. I should have clarified, yes. Hyperloop, Tesla, Space X. Before I get more heat, Teslas where designed in LA, manufactured in NorCal. Sorrry!!! Yes, LA has **** traffic, but it has in a weird twist of events become ground zero for a solution out of its mess.
  16. I see your point, but I think has an all out war chest of things/themes that is can use in lieu of all the Americana crap that has been done to death. They should focus on major roles LA/Southern Cali played in more recent human history. Space exploration, alternative transportation methods, cultural movements, etc. I think LA will have the luxury of keeping the boring American history to an absolute minimum, thank god!
  17. It may be young, but damn did it go through a lot in just a few hundred years. Natives, the Spanish, Mexico, the Chinese, becoming part of the US... the orange groves, movies, the trolleys, the cars, freeways, sprawl, aerospace, and now cultural Mecca... all in just about 2 centuries.
  18. I think a La La Land sequel is inevitable considering how popular it was worldiwide. If I were part of the ceremonies committee, I would have a Star Trek mention since Gene Rodenbury grew up in LA and graduated from Franklin High School in Highland Park (same as me!) Not sure what the technology will be in 11 years, but a USS Enterprise at the Coliseum would blow everyone's mind.
  19. Cool video from the 84' Games in which they analyze L.A. Even back then, they did not think LA with no center, no identity, a bank robbery a day, and cocaine parties, could pull it off. https://youtu.be/-Mog1Y8bvUg
  20. Venice in Los Angeles. An Alt-Right protest like the one in Charlottesville was scheduled to take place on Saturday. It has been "postponed" and hopefully cancelled altogether. http://ktla.com/2017/08/16/organizers-postpone-march-on-google-planned-for-venice-8-other-cities-due-to-alt-left-threats/
  21. Not to change the subject, but I am fearful of what can potentially play out in Venice on Saturday. LA may become a flashpoint once again.
  22. In a meeting at Metro HQ in Downtown LA today, Phil Washington said that although LA is getting 2028 and not 2024, Metro will continue as if though they are meeting a 2024 deadline saying "we are not lifting our foot off the gas pedal." He said Metro very soon will roll out a list of projects that are to be accelerated under Measure M, while making sure other projects are not decelerated as a result. The Purple Line to Westwood with an original completion date of 2035 is now shooting for 2023/2024. To do this, the various phases of the project (tunneling, station boxes, etc.) will happen simultaneously with each one getting its own separate contractor. Normally one contractor delivers the entire project. Facinating stuff will happen in the years to come. LA is getting transfoarmed at impressive speeds.
  23. Good on Paris and LA. They were the last two standing because they were both the silver bullet to the IOCs lavish ways. A great partnership will emerge from this, and I couldn't be more excited!!!!
  24. The IOC has voted to give LA 100% of any surplus/profits.
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